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One on One Meditation Therapy & Mind Training

Group Meditation Class

Meditation & Yoga for Children

Healing Support for Medical Procedures

Improving Business Through Meditation

One on One Meditation Therapy & Mind Training

In traditional talk therapy approach, a thread wrapped a thousand times around a branch would require being unwrapped a thousand times in the opposite direction; it is an infinite process and the result — more cyclical thinking.

TRU Meditation method allows you to go to the root of the problem; witnessing calmly your restless, compulsive mind and thus exposing the unreality of your thoughts. Fears and self destructive beliefs begin to fall away because they are clearly seen as compulsive and useless. Meditation burns the thread — the restless habitual mind, as opposed to endlessly scrutinizing it.

As the mind is trained to stay focused, clear and present, you will become familiar with the feeling and experience of being centered and calm. A deep recognition will occur that moving away from your center has been the source of all your suffering. The stronger your meditation and mind will become, the quicker you will be able to shift back into a state of clarity and well-being. Living from a space of calm will be recognized as the only true way to exist.

What to expect...

One or several techniques will be used depending on the clients specific needs.

Group Meditation Class

Class is held EVERY WEDNESDAY 7-8pm.

To allow everyone the opportunity to learn this important life skill, I have made the class price on a sliding scale of $10 - $20 per class. Pay what is right for you! 


In this weekly class you will develop the ability to slow down, be still and allow the wisdom of your body to heal itself. This class is a combination of going into stillness, learning various meditative techniques and diving into deep discussion. You will learn how to question your thoughts and break through limiting beliefs. No two classes are ever alike, the techniques used and the discussion will always depend on the energy of the group.

This is an ALL LEVELS CLASS. Any clothing is fine - No workout attire is needed, but comfy clothes are advised. The Class is held in the upstairs studio. When entering the Centre, proceed down the hall, to the left, and up the stairs. There may be sessions taking place in the offices, so please be quiet when walking through the halls.

Meditation & Yoga for Children

Children today are under tremendous amounts of stress. They are often confused and worried about things they simply don’t understand. Homework, pressure to compete and succeed, endless after-school activities and busy family schedules can quickly become too much. Down time is usually in front of TV, eating or playing video games. Meditation & Yoga provides a way for children to listen to their inner self and dissolve worries, anxieties and built up energies. Children who discover meditation early are getting an incredible start in life. They will learn that inner peace, happiness and calm does come from within and does not have to depend on the conditions of life.

Benefits of Meditation & Yoga for Children...

What to expect...

Healing Support for Medical Procedures

Whether you are anxiously awaiting the arrival of a new baby or anticipating major surgery, these can be some of the most stressful times that you will ever have to endure. TRU Meditation can be an incredible tool to prepare the body and mind for the significant change. It is often stated that the anxiety experienced before a medical procedure is often more traumatic than the procedure itself. Preoperative anxiety can lead to requiring higher doses of medication, increased nausea, fatigue and much slower healing rates. Countless hospitals now offer programs in meditation as part of their general patient care. It has been observed, that patients who meditated prier to a medical procedure experienced...

Improving Business Through Meditation

Change and uncertainty are an unavoidable part of corporate atmosphere. Competition, pressure to achieve financial and operating results, economic instability, and a lack of job security all contribute to work anxiety. Stress in the workplace is a prevalent problem leading to productivity loss, increased sick time, job turnover, and a loss of competitive edge in the market place.

Leaders who are already performing at high levels of effectiveness are under tremendous pressure to outperform their competitors, to maximize their judgment, creativity, innovation, decision-making and planning. The emotions that leaders experience impact the atmosphere and culture of an organization as a whole. The emotions that employees feel influence how the customers feel, how satisfied they are, and how loyal they will be to the specific organization and product. Which ultimately affects the bottom line and the profitability of an organization.

To change effectively, truly change just ONE thing!

TRU Meditation will create a deep change in every employee and as a result will spark new energy and life into your business...

What to expect...

TRU Meditation & Yoga offers single sessions, but long term plans offer more benefit through consistency and repetition. You will quickly find that the meditation sessions will become as normal and accepted as any quick internal meeting.